Saturday, July 30, 2022

NASA's James Webb Space

 James webb space telescope revels millions of galaxies 

There were ten times more galaxies just like our own Milky Way in the early universe than previously thought.
This cosmic insight comes from one of the first studies of images captured by 
James webb space telescope could 'zoom in on the early Universe.'
This yielded insights about objects in space that "we knew existed but didn't understand how and when they formed"
Disc galaxies dominant the 'galaxy population 'today.

Our own galaxy is a disc , Andromeda ( our nearest neighbour which is 2.5 million light years away from earth.) Is a disc.

-NASA telescope takes super sharp view of early cosmos.
- NST delivers spectacular pictures.
-A $10bn machine in search of the end of darkness.

That was before the James Webb Space Telescope gave astronomers a view so far back in time.

Friday, July 29, 2022

Mars Ingenuity Helicopter

 The architecture for the campaign is

Expected to reduce the complexity of

Future missions and increase the probability of success.

In addition to NASA, the program includes contributions from the

'European Space Agency ( ESA)'

"The conceptual design phase is when every facet of a mission plan gets put under a microscope " said Thomas Zurbuchen , associate administrator for science at NASA Headquarter in washington.

"There are some significant and advantageous changes to the plan, which can be directly attributed to

Perseverance's recent success at Jezero and the amazing performance of the Mars Helicopter ' Ingenuity'.

Mars sample return program

" NASA will inspire world when it returns Mars samples to Earth in 2033 "

🌅NASA has completed the system requirements review for its 'Mars sample return program' which has nearly concluded its conceptual design phase , the program team evaluated and refined the architecture to return
the scientifically selected Martian samples.
These samples are currently in the collection process by NASA's perseverance rover in the red planet's
Jezero crater.

Mars sample return mission

 NASA will astonish the world!

This illustration shows a concept for 
Multiple robots that would team up to
Ferry to Earth sample collected from the Mars surface by NASA's perseverance rover.

NASA moon contractor

 NASA Moon contractor Masten space systems files for bankruptcy. Masten is one of the companies that NASA has tasked with delivering science...